Emergency vehicle lights

Emergency vehicle lights are one or more visual warning lights that are fitted to a vehicle and used when a driver wishes to convey to other people on the road the urgency of their journey. They are also used to provide an additional warning when stationary, or when used by law enforcement as a way to signal a driver to stop. Emergency vehicle lights are also used to clear a path for emergency vehicles. When the police use emergency lights, they can be a signal that a driver needs to pull over.

Emergency vehicles, in most cases, use red emergency lights. Examples of emergency vehicles who use red emergency lights are police vehicles, fire trucks, and ambulances. In contrast, blue emergency lights are often used by police officers. Besides police, other vehicles that use blue emergency lights are EMTs and firefighters. In some states like Texas and New Mexico, blue lights are used on construction or utility vehicles and tow trucks.

Amber/yellow warning lights
Amber/yellow warning lights are used in most states as a warning light color. Amber/yellow warning lights can be found on snowplows, tow trucks, funeral escort vehicles, security vehicles, and hearse. Keep in mind; in Ohio, many vehicles are allowed to use emergency vehicle lights or warning lights on publicly and privately owned vehicle.

Keep in mind; in Ohio, a state statute 4513.17 (d) requires that police vehicles are supposed to use a flashing red or a combination of red and white lights on cruisers and other law enforcement vehicles. Also, ambulances in Ohio must also use red and white emergency vehicle lights.

Police cars and the benefits of car lights
For police cars, there are several key benefits in using emergency lights such as to warn drivers that law enforcement is nearby, to alert drivers that they are being pulled over for a traffic stop and to protect an accident or crime scene. Also, undercover officers can take advantage of illumination products that can be stored away until they are needed.

Fire trucks use emergency lights so they can arrive on the scene quickly and safely, so they can gain access to the emergency scene as soon as possible. Ambulance and first responders are importance and provide crucial intervention to diagnose quickly, stabilize and treat patient should there be people involved in an auto accident.

LED lights
Most emergency vehicles are now choosing LED lights; they are much brighter, and they use more advanced technology. Also, LED lighting is more energy efficient. Even though LED lights give off a much brighter light, they consume less energy compared to conventional emergency lights.

Also, LED lights are longer lasting compared to conventional lights. However, even though LED lighting is expensive, the cost is minimal when compared to replacing lights less frequently.

To conclude, emergency car lights are one or more visual warning lights that are fitted to a vehicle and used when a driver wishes to convey to other road users the urgency of their journey. Find out about emergency vehicle lights and the many types and benefits available by contacting us today!


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